WindowBuilder is built as a plug-in to Eclipse and the various Eclipse-based IDEs (RAD, RSA, MyEclipse, JBuilder, etc.). Develop Java graphical user interfaces in minutes for Swing, SWT, RCP and XWT with WindowBuilder Pro’s WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop interface. All downloads are provided under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement unless otherwise specified.

On the left side of the page, download "repository.zip" (click 'Show Directory Contents' if you don't see that. ( discussion here) For Eclipse Neon, Oxygen, Photon, 2018 & 2019 (versions 4.6 to 4.11) download an upgraded WB repository. In order to install WindowBuilder offline, you must download one of the code repositories listed below.

Right-click the class in the Package Explorer and select "Open with " If WindowBuilder appears on the list, click on it, otherwise, click on "Other" to find it. To force Eclipse to open the class with WindowBuilder, do the following: Make sure that the class has no compile errors and is saved, then close the editor tab for that class. Sometimes Eclipse forgets that it should open a GUI class using WindowBuilder. Select the added site in the list of available software and click the Install button to start. Open the update manager (Menu- Help Software Updates) Select the Available Software tab. Inside Eclipse select Help -> Install New Software Eclipse help menu item Step 2. If you want to specify an entry point for WindowBuilder you can use this: /** * */ to make WindowBuilder start from there but it is not guaranteed to work. WindowBuilder uses some known entry points per framework (like SWT) but sometimes it fails to find one even if you are using the right signature. They are also available in the Eclipse Help if you have all of WB loaded. Try Googling "WindowBuilder docs" and then click the first link.